July 29, 2022

$20,000 Per Printing - Associate Publisher

Confidential Minneapolis, Minnesota

Guaranteeing that our advertisers ad will be seen by most of the tourists visiting Key West on a given day is the holy grail of Key West print advertising and is hard for advertisers to turn down. WTKW is the first and only publisher in the Keys to be able to offer this, none of our competitors can match it because their free products are 99% ads - and many tourists quickly get bored just looking at ads, so they discard the product. Can you sell this? You will sell 100% of the advertising in every printing and you will deposit 100% of the revenues from advertising into your bank account. The Inaugural Issue is ready to be populated with ads, the launch campaign and media kits are ready to go to the printer and in our database, we have the contact info of most every business in the Lower Keys.

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