Sept. 13, 2021


Confidential HONOLULU, Hawaii

Helpful to live OR IMPORTANT TO Live on WEST Side...or South Side...PLEASE BE ON MAUI WHEN RESPONDING..I need help NOW MUST BE VACCINATED..Aloha I am a professional mature lady business owner...that has been through some medical problems ...have decided that driving is not my "favorite thing" anymore and if you are a patient and steadfast person this "little job" could grow as I recoup from some medical issues..NEED RELIABLE Transportation and to get to my doctor/business/shopping appts/excursions..each journey I pay a set fee..and lunch may be on the menu too! - may NOT be your experience with this person. JUST BE AWARE - if you see an ad like this (title above and wording below), BECAUSE: You may find that this person seems to have a lot of anger that they could misdirect at other people, especially if someone - like you, maybe - disagrees with them, says "no" to them, tries to set rules, boundaries or limitations, or maybe just wants to get paid for the work they've done for this person. You may find that this person may present themselves on Craiglist or in other online locations as a "mature, congenial, professional Maui lady," or a "successful entrepreneur and business person full of aloha," when in fact the experience you may have with this person could be the very opposite of that. Which brings this: you may want to be careful if you agree to do services and/or be paid by this person, or if you plan to pay them for something...or are planning to buy their alleged business from them.

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