June 2, 2024

Client Advertising Manager

ProSites Salt lake City, Utah

Client Advertising Manager - Job Description As the Client Advertising Manager, you’ll oversee the work and quality control of the client advertising team. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Collaborate with the Director of Client Success on strategies for revenue growth and retention • Maintain a high level of team client retention • Identify, track, and encourage team upsell opportunities • Hold team members accountable to team goals, client growth, and retention • Communicate regularly with team members to maintain morale, comradery, training, and honest work time. • Provide project updates on a consistent basis to various stakeholders about strategy, adjustments, and progress • Stay up to date on industry best practices, techniques, and standards and educate the team. Key Skills, Knowledge, and Qualifications: • Strong work ethic and team player • Positive Attitude • Ability to manage time effectively • Ability to maintain and organize complex project schedules • Self-motivated, self-starter, self-learner • Minimum 5 years of digital advertising management experience • Subject matter expert of all digital advertising channels (including social media, PPC, LSA, Display, and Youtube) • Effective communication skills with multiple departments involved in the client’s marketing campaign • Identify internal process improvements for ads management, and collaborate with Director on findings and implementation • Self-motivated, self-starter with the ability to figure things out & research solutions to problems on your own • Excellent verbal and written communication to team members, clients, and supervisor • Computer skills (excel/google sheets a plus)

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