Nov. 16, 2020

Need help with interior design? Offering pro-bono work

Confidential Maine, Maine

Since I have little to show, I am willing to do some pro-bono work to help build my portfolio in order to jump start my career. A little bit about me: After working 5+ years in the advertising industry in Boston, I decided to pursue my true passion of real estate to channel more of my creative energy. Known by my friends and family as the "go-to" for all design related questions, I've finally mustered up the courage to take a shot at my dream of being an interior designer. If you're looking to sell and need some advice on which improvements to make in order to give you the highest R.O.I, or if you're looking to buy and need help envisioning a home(s) potential, please reach out! I have an ambition to learn how to build (willing to put in some sweat equity) and a brother that is an architect in San Fransisco who I can run any improvement plans by.

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