All publications are supported with a very robust website that gives the client much more exposure online that is not even mentioned as a selling point but will quickly become one as the websites will do a lot more then show a PDF of the monthly brochure. Save On Home Improvements And – this publication is the easiest as this industry is a very high margin industry with the average sell making $1,000’s of dollars versus a few dollars like other industries. Next to Home Improvement the mail I get on a regular basis in the mailbox is from car lots and a lot of times very expensive huge postcards with scratch offs and/or a key taped to the card. Get FREE – this is for sit down restaurants only which includes 1000 FREE Business cards and 4x6 postcards per month that basically offsets the cost of the advertisement. There is a LOT of other things my company will offer that will further add additional profit centers if $20,000+ per month is not where you want your income to stop.
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